School Carnival Planning – Phoenix, AZ
Some how you have ended up on the planning committee for this years school carnival at your local Phoenix area school- and now you are looking for a place to turn to…
Here are just a few things you need to get together:
– Carnival Games
– Carnival Booths
– Carnival Fun Foods/Concessions
– Carnival Prizes
– Inflatable Games
– Interactive Games
– and more…
If you are smart, you are seeking a company that will take care of it all. One source for all your carnival rental, entertainment, carnival prizes, and equipment rental needs… One source to provide everything for your phoenix school carnival, so you have one phone call, one contact, and way less worrying to do while planning the event.

Carnival Game Rentals in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Surrounding areas.
While you may prefer to spend more time piecing multiple vendors together to save a few dollars here and there, it typically makes more sense to spend your time marketing the event, creating a buzz, and ensuring you have enough volunteers or hired staff (also can be provided by AZ Party Rents) to actually run the event. You need to create signs, coordinate schedules, market the event, decide ticket prices, consider lower income options for those less fortunate, and all kinds of other things. In most cases the time you spend on operations far outweighs the few dollars you save and stress you cause yourself by working with countless carnival rental, entertainment, and equipment vendors.
School carnivals that are successful from a fund raising and an attendance perspective are ones where experienced planners know that the success of an event depends on a professional service provider, as well as getting the new out about the carnival or special event!
Phoenix School Carnival Planning FACT:
You will make more money focusing on getting people there and driving up ticket sales than you will save spending the same time coordinating multiple vendors, answering multiple phone calls, dealing with smaller unprofessional/unreliable providers.
At AZ Party Rents– we specialize in providing top level entertainment and games at countless festivals, carnivals, special events, and other school related functions. We are a full service company- providing the best in inflatable games, carnival games, interactive games, and school carnival solutions in the Phoenix metro area.
We are proud to offer several solutions for school carnival planners and other school related function planners easy planning, simple solutions, and reliable service. We will do our best to provide your school with first class entertainment solutions.
In Phoenix- we are proud to offer our services for school carnivals, church fetes, fundraisers, company picnics, back to school parties, harvest parties, holiday parties, public festivals, and all kinds of other special events. We also are the premiere entertainment provider for graduation parties, field day entertainment, end of school events, spring carnivals, and all kinds of other special events across the valley!
Phoenix School Carnival Planning Tips
The school carnival organizer has all kinds of responsibilities and things put on their plate which are important to the success of the event… The classic way of planning forces the person to coordinate thousands of different things in just a couple of weeks. In any case, planning any event can be quite overwhelming if you have never done it before. The best thing to do is get out there and do it, do not pay attention to PTA politics- just do a good job and make the event a success.
We have created the following great list of school carnival planning tips and ideas:
1. Who are you Planning the school carnival for? You need to put yourself in their shoes… If you were attending the school carnival, what would you want to see? What would you be amazed by? What would you really want to do over and over again? Think about the people attending and their needs. Food, entertainment, comfort, safety, and more… If you want your carnival to be a huge success, you need to serve your customers- the kids and their parents.
2. Where are people gonna park? This is school carnival 101. If parking is an absolute nightmare, your may not even get out of the car… They may get out of the car and start off on a bad note as well. Plan out the approach to parking, maybe dedicate areas of play field, or other areas not regularly used for parking as places for the overflow… Maybe having a few teachers or other parent volunteers available to help direct traffic is a great way to go about things… Some schools hire parking attendants and even valets for the event.
3. Ticket Sales and Controlling access… Make sure you have a plan for how this will work. Consider offering ticket presales for a savings- this will in many cases sell out and cover all your expenses even before the event starts… Regardless- you need to make sure that purchasing tickets or admission is easy to do, and that people have plenty of access to the ticket sale locations. Some people sell unlimited use bracelets for events- your AZ Party rents carnival planner can help you to determine if this is a great solution for your phoenix area school carnival.
4. Games, Entertainment, Carnival Prizes, and Carnival Activities. Just leave it in the hands of the planners at AZ Party Rents… Let us know your event budget- and we will put all the rest together. You can then just focus on coordinating volunteers and making a great customer experience!
5. Carnival Fun Foods. This is a place where the carnival can choose to bring in professional providers, or they can rent the equipment and run the rented equipment. In either case there are ways to capitalize on this so that the fund are still raised for your special event.
Also- make sure you have plenty of people scheduled for clean up. There is nothing worse than getting stuck by yourself with a huge mess after all the work you did planning and coordinating the event…